How to keep Finnish industrial sector competitive?
The future of Finnish industrial sector depends on competitiveness and skills. The webinar stimulated social debate, introduced industry decision-makers to collaborative robots and raised Machine Tool's profile.
On 7 October 2021, we organised a virtual event for industrial sector decision-makers to discuss the competitiveness of Finnish industrial sector, its future prospects and pain points. In addition, Machine Tool's new TSI collaborative robot cells were launched at the event.

+ 1 % Participants over target
+ 1 % Increase in the number of participants
+ 1 New leads
- Conceptualization
- Marketing
- Implementation of the webinar
Our main goal was to gather industry decision-makers for the webinar and to enhance the perception of Machine Tool as the market leader in collaborative robotics in Finland. Simultaneously, we naturally aimed to reach new prospects.
We delivered the webinar and the campaign leading up to it in a very short timeframe - just 5,5 weeks from briefing to H-hour. Despite this, the target was an ambitious 200 registrations.

The roof concept was ROBOLOIKKA (robotics leap).
The play on words seamlessly merges robotics and industrial competitiveness.
The visual inspiration came from Michelangelo's famous fresco, '"he Creation of Adam." The idea was whimsically pompous and offered something recognizable and attention-grabbing. The interpretation of the artwork also supported the solution.
In 1990, American doctor Frank Meshberger interpreted the painting as depicting the human brain - Meshberger believed the painting depicted God giving Adam intelligence.
We wanted to give intelligence to Finnish industrial sector and collaborative robots.
Advertising and event organisation
The advertising period for the event was 3 weeks – during which time we actively monitored and optimised the campaigns. We used Machine Tool's own newsletter register and social media for advertising.
The target was met within a couple of weeks, but we decided to continue advertising until the event.
During the last few days, we received 110 new registrations.
We collected registrations on the Roboloikka campaign page. At the same time, we also asked what is most interesting about collaborative robotics.
The event itself was organised together with our partner Pioneer Production.
After the event, we distributed a recording by email to all registrants. It was also possible to order the recording from the Machine Tool website. We also sent all registrants a sales follow-up email the week after the event.

The Roboloikka concept hit the nail on the head so well that we decided to use it in our communication in the future. And the goals of the event were exceeded by a wide margin!
Shall we create a successful concept for you too?

Ostajapersoonien määritys
Ostajapersoonien määrityksen avulla tunnet asiakkaasi paremmin, tiedät kenelle markkinoit ja miksi, vaikutat kohdeyleisöösi ja luot konkreettista myyntiä.
Brändi ja identiteetti
Brändin rakentaminen ja ylläpitäminen ovat tärkeä osa yrityksen markkinointia ja liiketoiminnan kasvustrategiaa. -
Sisällöntuotanto on olennainen osa markkinointia ja yrityksen brändin rakentamista. Se tarjoaa asiakkaille arvokasta tietoa eri sisältöformaateissa.